Thursday, November 28, 2013

Phr00t’s 3089: Should I Buy? (Indie Spotlight Edition)

Welcome everyone!
I’m excited to bring to you a new game I think you should check out called 3089.
In this “Should I Buy?” video I will tell you why you NEED to buy 3089, explain some of the game mechanics, give you some history on phr00t, the developer, and try to answer any lingering questions over 3089.

What is 3089?

3089 is a futuristic, action, role-playing game. One of the coolest things about 3089 is that it feels like I’m inside the world of TRON where programs and USERs explore the boundaries of the digital frontier.
In this game, you play an experimental robot that was placed on an open world called Xax by a mysterious Overlord character. This world is supposed to a test center.

Searching and Crafting
What I like about the game is that I can scavenge throughout the world to find computer parts, weapons, and armor. Scavenging will produce broken items that can be sold or crafted. Each item has rarity to it which forces the player to make decisions throughout the entire campaign. I agonize every time I find a very RARE item because I have to decide to sell it or hold onto it in hopes of crafting a super weapon of some type.
The other thing, I enjoy are the quests. There are a ton of complex multi stepped missions given out by command designed to test to your character’s unique characteristics. For robots using stealth most of the missions have to be completed using stealth mechanics. For the run and gunner, you’ll find a series of escort, defend, search and destroy missions.

The combat system in 3089 is more fluid than I expected. I enjoyed battling other robots in close range combat and engaging in a full scale battle against bomber ships trying to wipe me out as I run across the virtual battlefield.

"Exploring the Digital Frontier"
What I find enjoyable about the game is going through this digital RPG journey with the developer. I’m excited to see where he takes me or to find out the why I exist as a character. I realize that this is an indie game in development and that STORY could fall flat but I’m more than willing to go on the ride with this developer.

This brings me to why you consider supporting this game. Playing 3089 is very much like stepping into someone’s deeply personal representation of a futuristic sci-fi adventure. phr00t is very much a big geek going through the process of becoming a polished video game designer.

3089 is the 4th game in the series. This is important because it marks the current evolution of all the knowledge he’s gained from his other projects. Going back to 3059, 3069, and 3079 is interesting, if anything, to retrace his journey as a developer.

If you’re anything like me it matters to you who you choose to support when you pick up an indie game. Nothing pisses me off more than to buy into an alpha just to find out that the developers are total poopy heads.

3089 suffers from a lot of problems but not in the way that most would expect. It is a game that is too ahead of its time in its design and visual representation. This game lives in that gray space where innovation battles obscurity.  Many people will not be able to get past the premise, graphics, or title to give it a try.
This is unfortunate considering that when I see this game I think back to the early days of Minecraft when Notch only have a few thousand players and no one knew about it. 3089 is worth a few hours of your time if anything jus to support an indie developer that needs it.

The real find here is phr00t, the developer. 3089 is missing a narrative hook that can draw in the masses. Right now it is a collection of genre elements working together to provide a very cool sci fi adventure. I can’t wait to see 3099 because phr00t is working towards a game changer someday.

You can find links to 3089’s home page, Facebook, YouTube, twitter, steam community group and Kickstarter page in the description. If you like this content and would like to see more please subscribe to the channel, like, and leave a comment. I’m constantly trying to grow a community not just because I’d like to have more subscribers or get paid more but to use this audience to support good indie game developers like phr00t.

Should I Buy?
To answer the question of whether you should buy 3089? The answer is yes. 3089 is worth buying.

Support this game. Vote for them on the 3089 Steam Greenlight Page.

3089 Webpage:
3089 Kickstarter:
3089 Greenlight Page:
3089 Desura:
3089 Indie Reviews:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

7 Days to Die Alpha 4 Update (Shifting Update Release Schedule: How the Fun Pimps are Messing up)

Greetings Readers!
The Fun Pimps released what their calling "Alpha 4" this last Sunday. The thing you need to know about this update is that it marks a shift in their patch release schedule.

Until Alpha 2, the Fun Pimps were being heavily criticized by their community for not communicating enough and not releasing enough content. Alpha 2 contained a ton of new content, most of which needed to be bug tested.

After calling the subsequent hot fix hot fix "ALPHA 3" the Fun Pimps have decided to release smaller and more frequent updates. Most people who don't follow their forums will grow tired of the constant downloading of 7 Days to Die and be even more confused as their in game "coming soon" splash screen promises large content and new features that will be absent in their smaller future slated releases.

The Fun Pimps are an interesting company in the world of indie games because they were sold to the world as a true indie game company that contrasted the Hammerpoints of the world yet this indie spirit is their biggest downfall.

It isn't easy to run a game company. The Fun Pimps are amateurs mismanaging their project every step of the way. They really need a project manager that can set a project release schedule and implement that plan through a better PR system.

7 Days to Die is a great game. Hopefully, the Fun Pimps aren't also mismanaged the money they've raised so that they can complete it.

Here are the complete release notes for Alpha 4 (hot fix) if you want to know what has changed.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nether the Game Development Suggestions

Game Design Suggestions for DEVs (Fix for KOSing, Safe House Camping, and more)
Action Based XP System

Currently, XP is only gained by killing Nethers. Consider broadening the current XP system to include other actions such as healing other players, defending someone from nethers, defending safe zones, and giving guns away in a trade system. For bad guys, this might mean KOSing in creative ways like setting traps (dropping loot in center of street and sniping). You can add a button that allows them to put down a false drop box from materials in their inventory or XP cost. Perhaps giving XP for winning melee battles over gun battles.

Scaffolded Splash Page Experience

You guys might consider introducing helicopter dropboxes that spawn around the map every day. Perhaps only good guy accounts and noob account (less than 10 hours played) can see these on the map. Putting items in them can increase XP for good guys and provide a better ENTRY EXPERIENCE for new users of the game.

NOTE: I don't think XP should be gained from PVP as there is enough incentive from the LOOT to continue to do it.

Karma System: the Good, the Bad, and the Noob

You already have the foundation for an awesome Karma System. Consider linking the action base XP system to your karma system. Right now it is impossible tell bad guy from good guy so let's use the clothes!

Good Guys VS Bad Guy Identification

Perhaps this unlocks clothing options that only good guys and bad guys get.

For example, since most good guys are trying to stay alive and avoid PVP then let's reward the PVE playstyle by unlocking the best camo type clothes for them and eliminating the bright green backpack.

Since bad guys are looking for trouble let them rock urban rockstar gear that islouder and brighter. Don't make it too loud as it would be too unfair but some loud details would be nice. This matches the PVP lifestyle.

Perhap it also unlocks evil clothes so that there is a clear look to good guys and bad guys.

Safe Zone Campers

Making it easier to identify good guys from bad guys will go a long way easing new players into the game and allow more experienced players the chance to embrace their roles. It would also help with safe zone campers as good guys will be able to work together to combat this horrible practice.

The best thing DEVs can do to deter close proximity safe zone camping is introduce autoturrets or gas dispensers that launch automatically whenever a bad guy remains within a close distance just outside the safe zone for more than 5 minutes (Everyone should be ok in the safe zone). Perhaps a perk of the good guys is their mask actually work and prevents them from taking poison damage. This might allow them to escape through the smoke.

Those are some thoughts. Please add your own. Keep it constructive. Thank you all community.

Nether the Game (What is Nether?)

Personal Note:
I want everyone to understand that I do not hate Nether. I love the game play. Nether is a good game. What I want consumers to be aware of is the current state of Nether. When I first bought the game I had a horrible time trying to install this game. Since then the developers have released several patches that have fixed most of the install and crash issues. The support network is beginning to catch up to the demand. Accept this before buying and you'll have a better experience. The game play and the graphics are amazing.

PVP Overview

Video Content:
In this video, I show several PvP battles from the game, Nether. These battles are used to illustrate a few PvP tactics. Those that are still on the fence can compare this PvP action to War Z (Infestation) and Day Z.

The video provides brief combat tips such as: skill point allocations, stealth, melee vs guns, friendlies, and Nether aggro expectations.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nether the Game: Buy or Not?

I posted this information on my youtube video. It clarifies my position a bit. I was still upset even after I played the game for a long time.

Nether: Scam Controversy Discussed

Video Content:
After my frustrating 6 hour install experience I was finally able to get into the game. I met a survivor. We ended up discussing the scam controversy and shared our opinions over the game. He provided a balanced counterpoint to views.

Personal Note:
I want everyone to understand that I do not hate Nether. I love the game play. Nether is a good game. What I want consumers to be aware of is its current state. I had a horrible time trying to install this game. Right now it crashes every 10 minutes. The support network on the back end is not there to meet the demand and is compounded by the numerous bugs.

I'm concerned that the visuals and game play released alone give folks a false sense of completion and that they expect this game to be close to fully functional. This high level of polish is misleading. This is not the developer's fault. This is just the way it might be perceived by some consumers. It is a beta. Only buy this game if you fully understand why some people are scared that these developers are another Hammerpoint (War Z infamy).

The statements in this video are purely speculative. It is based on my install experience and information provided by other YouTubers who provided documentation in their videos. In the end, only time will tell if what I experienced was a blotched launch by a startup or the mismanagement of another crooked developer. I'm hoping the developer does not censor this content and stand behind my journalistic integrity to report information that I feel is important to my viewers.

After playing Nether, I can see that there was a large amount of thought that has gone into the game mechanics.  I can not envision this company withdrawing support. This is more than just a War Z 2.0. This is a War Z/Infestation killer. It will draw away the crowds from that Infestation unless they release significant new promised content. Nether will be successful in the long run so WAIT until a few months pass before you ruin your first playthrough experience.

Official Nether Website:
Nether Facebook:
Nether Twitter:
Nether Subreddit:

Nether is a post-apocalyptic massively multiplayer online game that veers away from traditional survival horror games. Prepare for an enticing and heart-pounding adventure where only your wits determine if you survive or not. Remember, the route to survival can be both good and evil. Find out who you are in a decimated and lawless new world where both other players and demons are waiting to decide your fate.

The enemies, called "Nethers," are unique and each type possess both demonic and human qualities, making them fast, smart and hard to kill. This also factors in when it comes to working together to defend safe zones or clear out structures. Finally, by setting world objectives, Nether adds another dimension to the survival genre, which further sets it apart from other online games.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Alpha 2.0: 7 Days to Die Update (Release Next Week)

It has been confirmed by the Fun Pimps. Saturday, they sent out the following message to their kickstarter supporters announcing that Alpha 2 will be released some time next week. It will contain new maps, the spitting zombie, walk crawling and two new game modes. Check out the following e-mail for more detailed information:

Project Update #30: Alpha 2 out next week!Posted by The Fun Pimps Entertainment LLC ♥ Like
What’s up Survivalist’
I’ll tell you what’s up. The Pimps have been locked up in their top secret development crib like Quasimodo chained to their desks determined to get Alpha 2 out this coming week. I can’t speak for the other Pimps but I’m developing a hump on my back from working so many hours. Guess we’ll need to invest in those fancy stand up desks soon. Ok enough flapping my gums here’s a little news to chew on for you starving Survivalist’s out there.

  • We have a brand spanking new forum up and running so give a big virtual internet high five to Brian, Ryan and Shane if you seem them for getting it going! 
  • A tip of the Fedora to a couple of new developers we’ve added Robert, Joe and Ben who are already making a big impact on Alpha 2 in programming and animation.
  • We'll do our best to get all you Warriors Backers this build and thank you for being patient.
  • Ok without further ado here are a few Advertised features and some rumored features I heard about on Oprah. I do like Oprah when I get my hair done. Note this is not a full change log or a complete feature list we wouldn’t want to spoil all the surprises we have in store for you. A full change log will be available on release day.
  • Alpha 2 will have:  
  • New Game modes including Deathmatch and Zombie Horde mode with several new maps to support these new modes.
  •  A new menu look with bunch of user game mode customization options, a new server browser for finding games easy and a game scoreboard.
  • New items and weapons including crossbows, pipebombs, repair wrenches and more!  
  • New enemies including the Acid Puking Hulk, wall climbing Spider Zombies, new zombie sounds and more!  
  • New locations in Navezgane including a huge Wasteland City, a new housing development and more!  
  • Improved Network protocol for better performance and larger player counts above 8 and NAT punch through for player ran servers as well as dedicated servers.   
You stay cool
The Fun Pimps

Nether the Game: Consumer Report Warning (Scam?)

Nether: Consumer Report Warning (Scam?)

The purpose of this video is to warn the public to be careful with Nether. This YouTuber encourages everyone to stand back and wait for the developers of Nether to refine the game a bit more before jumping on the bandwagon. I can't believe that the guys who promoted War Z are in charge of promoting this Nether. It really makes me suspicious of this game.

I bought the game and it took me over 6 hours to install it due to bugs, Nether's website not working at times, servers being down, and a long complicated process. Most people will be able to go through this process without much trouble but there are a number of us that will face it. The solutions can be pieced together if you're willing to dig through the forums.

The purpose of this video is to inform consumers of what they should expect after buying Nether from steam. After paying a hefty amount of money most friends i know that have purchased this Nether have come to regret it. There are too many big time youtubers out there that have been given early access to the Nether that are singing it's praises. This is because they have been compensated and are now acting as sellouts. Be aware of this conflict of interest when you turn to these guys before making your decision to buy a new Nether.

Official Nether Website:
Nether Facebook:
Nether Twitter:
Nether Subreddit:

Nether is a post-apocalyptic massively multiplayer online game that veers away from traditional survival horror games. Prepare for an enticing and heart-pounding adventure where only your wits determine if you survive or not. Remember, the route to survival can be both good and evil. Find out who you are in a decimated and lawless new world where both other players and demons are waiting to decide your fate.

The enemies, called "Nethers," are unique and each type possess both demonic and human qualities, making them fast, smart, and hard to kill. This also factors in when it comes to working together to defend safe zones or clear out structures. Finally, by setting world objectives, Nether adds another dimension to the survival genre, which further sets it apart from other online games.

Nether Play Gameplay Official Exclusive MMO massively online multiplayer steam post-apocalypse playnether game PC HD Let's Tips tricks trailer commentary walkthrough playthrough footage BETA demon demons survival horror scary montage creatures creature gun first person shooter fps third person server phosphor games
Address of Nether LLC and OP Producitons LLC
Nether LLC (c/o Harvard Business Services, 16192 Coastal Highway Lewes, DE 19958)
Found at bottom of this page
