Friday, December 27, 2013

This is the Urban Survival Guide for Nether. This Nether tutorial series is intended for the first day buyer of the game who may not understand how to play Nether. 

Check out the other videos in the series for tips on locations, avoiding campers, and PVP.

Rust Game Spoof: TheUrbanWatcher's Rustfather Part I (Tutorial/Satire/Narrative)

This Rust Game Spoof features game footage from a 14 day saga where a few guys rose to power and took over an entire game saga. It demonstrates emergent gameplay in how Urban's group used social politics to wipe out their opponents.

TheUrbanWatcher's Rustfather Part I
This is the story of how the group transformed from hardworking immigrants to an organized force. This is the rise to power story arch.

TheUrbanWatcher's Rustfather Part II
Part II tells the story of three groups completing for control of the island. In this story, Urban poses as a new spawn to gain access to an enemy's base. Once there he leads a raid to take away all the guns.

Once broken Urban's group gives Lethal's group shelter and basic equipment to gain their trust. They are turned to vassals after being convinced that Jordan's people were responsible for the raid. Afterwards Urban's group teams up with Lethal's group to fight against Jordan's hidden forces. 

TheUrbanWatcher's Rustfather Part III
Part III is the story of how Urban became the Rustfather of the server. After being raided Urban sets up a meeting with Jordan's group. He convinces them that they are leaving the server in order to discover their hidden base. Using outside forces Urban settles all business on Christmas Day.

If this type of "Let's Play" appeals to you please thumbs up, comment and subscribe. Your feedback is the only way that I know I'm working in the right direction and producing content people want to see.

RUST ULink DDos Attacks News

The popular indie game "Rust" suffered a debilitating attack on their ULink server system on December 12th, 2013. As people flock to steam, they encounter a clusterfuck of disorganized bitching and poor forum management. One thing people should know is that Rust developers do not communicate to their users through traditional means.

If you want to find out about something major users have to turn to either facebook, Twitter, or Trello.

The Rust community forums are not monitored or updated daily. The playrust website contains a forum but it is like staring at the sun. It is poorly run and disorganized.

For news updates turn to social media. This is a problem for people who are not as connected or downright refuse to use these medians.

According to the PlayRust website, here is what's going on with the attacks.

So after some investigating it appears that the servers are receiving DDOS attacks. Not the usual, send loads of traffic at a server until it chokes and can’t take any more ddos attack. It kind of seems like someone is periodically grabbing the server list and attacking any occupied server with a bunch of empty packets. 
We use a networking library called uLink. It works well for us. We can get 300 people on a single server. We’re happy. But it is not without its issues. I get the feeling that it’s not that widely used – so there’s a lot of relatively simple exploits that haven’t been found. We’ve reported issues. A lot. But always seem to receive the same responses. Basically – it’s going to be fixed in the future, in an update that is planned for the next month, that never really gets released. 
I’ve optimistically reported the latest issues to them, but we’re not that hopeful that we’ll get a timely fix. We’d love to take matters into our own hands but we can’t look into the issues and fix them ourselves because all their code is obfuscated. 
So we’re stuck. We have to either convince them to fix the exploits for us, use a different networking library.. or write our own. This is something we have to have a long discussion about internally. 
In the meantime we have to apologise for the ddos attacks. We know it’s not totally our fault – but at the same time it is. If you have exploits then people are going to exploit them. That’s just how the world works. We hope they get bored soon and everyone can get back to playing and we can get back to making. Until that happens we all have to suffer through this crap – which unfortunately we can do nothing but apologise for.

Monday, December 16, 2013

King Arthur's Gold Team Strategies (KAG Tutorial)

Choosing what role you'd like to play is up to you but if you are playing co-op with friends, it is a good idea to look at the following.

Builder/Archer Strategies: A builder can do a lot, and the archer can do plenty with the builder. One of the more basic things that a builder does with an archer is creating a sniper box. An archer loves to fire at enemies with little or no possibility of him taking damage back. Builders can make sniper bunkers or boxes attached to the side of their bases and towers. These boxes allow the archer to fire out of them without taking any fire back. They are created out of  planks and ladders. Its a cheap and quick way to get your archers in a defense position. The offensive builder/archer is more of a One of us dies but its for a reason. That is the ninja crate, someone takes it to the enemy base (either builder or archer) and waits for an enemy to open it.

Builder/Knight Strategies: A builder is a knights best friend, as long as the two cooperate. A builder can place ladders and break down those tough stone doors. The knight can kill and protect the builder while he does these acts of destruction. The builder can make a series of friendly tunnels for teammates and traps for enemies.

Builder/Builder Strategies: This is an important strategy to learn. Talking and finding out what is going on with your team is a good way to get ahead of the opponent. If every builder is building a giant base then who is building traps? If every builder is building traps then who's building the base? If every builder is building towers, who is collecting resources? How long will it all take if just one person does it? If the builders are working together and communicating, they can bring together a successful well done base in the amount of time they have before the game even starts. Its all a matter of who does what and how they are going to do it.

Knight/Archer Strategies: This is one of those game plans that can either go perfect or go terribly wrong. The archer can do some damage to a knight at distance. A friendly knight can make sure the archer is safe at that distance. If two knights are fighting, that one extra arrow could help your knight win that face off. The archer should remain somewhere hard to get or in a safe spot towards the back. The Knight should always take his position up ahead and should fight like he were in the movie 300. The combination is powerful, it can bring down lots of players who are not working together.

Tips and Tricks: If a builder wants to try a trap that doesn't instantly kill its enemy, it shouldnt be made at all. Traps are supposed to instantly kill those who fall into them. Spike traps aren't the best traps. They are easy to escape and often times don't kill an experienced player. It will over time, but by then, the trap is useless. The best way to kill someone is by using the saw mill. The saw mill is used both for turning logs into usable wood and instantly killing targets the jump onto them.

Drills are expensive, it is a good idea to share the one that you craft, that way you don't waste any resources on more drills. Once your done drilling, simply drop your drill right on the floor where you last mined and move on to building what you were going to build. If you come back and someone is using your drill, simply use your pick till they are done. If the drill get too hot and overheats, putting it in water cools it down and allows you to use it again much faster. Look at your fellow builders buildings. If they aren't up to par, feel free to upgrade them or change them to something more effective. If you don't like it but can't think of any better way to fix it up, don't change it. Simply build something to back it up, like an extra tower.

Always remember, there is no reason for you to not be playing. If you are builder and there is nothing else to do, change your class at any hall by pressing and holding E, then hovering your mouse over the Change class icon. Pick your class and get back into the game because all roles are important!

King Arthur's Newbie Guide (KAG 1/4)

The First 10 Minute Guide (KAG 2/4)

Game Modes (KAG 3/4)

Team Strategies (KAG 4/4)

King Arthur's Gold Game Modes (KAG Tutorial)

Take the Halls Explained
(This is a great game mode where there are teams that face off to take each others halls. These halls are spawn points and generally are heavily defended. Building a base on top of or in front of the hall is the best way to defend it. Players fight across the map to capture halls from other teams. Multiple strategies can be put together to accomplish this goal.)

Halls: Each hall is a spawn point. Capturing a neutral hall is easy, just walk into it and wait for a second or two. Capturing enemy halls is more difficult but that is just a matter of how well tactics were being played out. The first hall is like the main base. Everything is done at the first hall. It gets priority over all the other halls. The first hall is the one hall that should be more defended then all the others. This is the one place that can unlock research. Research works as the time goes by. Once the game begins, whatever branch of research that is chosen will begin to become researched. The research progress is shown by how far the arrow is colored in. Once the arrow is completely colored in, a new item will become researched. Some things must be unlocked from buying a scroll. Things like the drill and the saw. Without research a game of TTH will be long. Once those stone doors and walls go up, there is no way to get through them without explosives. How do we get explosives in TTH? Research. 

Catapults and War boats are researched, Long Boats and Kegs are researched. Ballistas can also be researched. They work like basic Halls but also have a large seige weapon on top. The ammo is created at the ballista workshop. Halls give npc's that operate these workshops. The reason for building a base would be to keep the workshops protected from enemies so they cant get the supplies that your team does. Also, the base would protect the hall which is the spawn point/npc spawn. Npc's can die for an unlimited amount of times as long as the hall that they spawn from is still in your teams control, they will continue to respawn and work at their assigned workshop. With gold a player can buy more npc's for that workshop that will work at more workshops then usual. This may seem like a small difference but the amount of items being outputted is doubled allowing more of that item to be used. Buying scrolls is done from mining gold and finding a merchant. Merchants are randomly put into the map somewhere. They are typically near your first hall or near your second hall. They can be accessed by pressing and holding the E button while standing in front of the merchants house then hovering the mouse icon over the trade symbol. A list of scrolls should appear and hovering over them will tell you what type of scroll it is and the price. This can speed research or it can instantly unlock things that would take long to unlock. However, these scrolls should be noted as rare because gold runs out quickly. Building strong walls and good defenses to make your halls more powerful and difficult to get into is great because if your opponent has a stronger base, they have less to worry about as far as defending comes. 

They can send even more of a powerful attack at your team. The more walls and towers you have blocking the enemy from crossing, the more likely your team is to be victorious. Building these isn't an easy task, it takes lots of practice.

King Arthur's Gold "The First 10 Minute Guide" (KAG Walkthrough)

The First 10 Minutes:


1.      Gather resources for your allies to speed the process of building.
2.      Build towers and obstacles to prevent enemies from getting to their objectives.
3.      Help a knight! Get to the front lines and do the dirty work needed to break down enemy defenses.
4.      Do the research and get upgrades necessary for you to get the best possible building built.
5.      Build traps that are team friendly.
6.      Mine for scrolls
7.      Set up alternative roots for your allies to travel. (Generally underground)
Gathering Resources: The resources can be gathered many types of ways. One can mine, one can wait for supply drops or they can steal resources from dead players. There is 3 resources in the game: gold, wood, and stones. When chopping trees, the tree will fall over and turn into logs. The logs then give you wood that you can use for crafting and other items. Mining is simple, each time you hit the stone, it adds up in your backpack. If your backpack is full, the stone will simply fall on the floor. The backpack  is accessible by pressing and holding the F button. The items in your backpack will be listed in the bottom under all of the possible items you can build.

Building Towers and defenses: Building these are important to the game. In order to build at all, one must become familiar with the workings of how to build. The game has a realistic mechanic and when a building doesn't have the support needed to hold it up, the building collapses. Walls (the block) is a good support block. It is transparent (you can walk through it) and costs very little resources to make one block. A wall can be used as a normal block when trying to meet the physics requirement. This means there will be no floating blocks and all buildings will be supported by some type of structure. In order to build, the builder must select a block. This block can be selected by pressing and holding f. 

Then the menu of blocks will come up above the materials in the backpack. Building with wood isn't a good idea, it burns and spreads fire rather quickly. Building with stone outside the wood is a good idea because then the wood works like an extra pad of defense. Once you select what block you would like to build with (by hovering over the item), then you may begin laying out your building with the left click. If a flashing red square appears, that means your block doesn't work with the physics. The placing of doors is important as well. Doors will open to your team only and are marked with your teams colors. One can press the space bar to change the way the door will be placed. If the door is placed incorrectly, it will be difficult to get through. Horizontal doors should be placed to go through either up or down. Vertical doors should be placed to go through either left or right. There is two types of doors, the wood and the stone. Stone doors are hard to get into, they are not broken by sword. Wood doors are easily broken into, all it takes is a little time and a sword or bomb.

Helping a Knight: Helping is summed up into one word: Pickaxe. Your pickaxe is the ultimate power to destroy anything. Use it, follow your allies into battle with your mighty pick. If you see a door, destroy it. If you see a building, destroy it. If there is a wall too difficult to climb, place ladders so that your allies can climb! Be the annoying fly that bugs the heck out the enemy team. Playing this role is difficult because without support, you will die frequently.

Doing research (TTH): This is very simple, go to the very first hall that you capture. Press and hold E then look for a tab that says Research. Once that screen pops up, you can select what you would like to research. Doing this is important because it changes the way your game will play out!

Traps: This is not exactly the best thing to do if you aren't very good at the game. It is a difficult task to build traps effective enough that will not kill your team or you. As well as something that will last long enough to not get destroyed in the first 5 seconds of it being up. The trap block is a block that your team can't go through. But for any other team, they will go straight through it like it is a wall. This is useful for ground traps because the enemy will fall right through it, and if the lighting is good enough, the trap block blends in well with the floor. It is selected the same way any other block is, but the trap block is hard to break and is very expensive. It takes 25 stone for 1 block.
Mining for scrolls: This is very simple, you take your pickaxe and go deep into the map, looking for scrolls. Finding a scroll gives your team a free research act. Once you find a scroll from mining, or buy a scroll from the amount of gold you mined, you can then turn it in at the first hall. You must be holding it in your hand. In order to hold it, press and hold f, hover over the scroll in your backpack then release f. In order to pick it up, press c and it should appear in your hand. While it is in your hand, press and hold e and hover your scroll over Use scroll at the first hall.
Tunnels: Very simple, make a tunnel with at least 1 stone door and wooden doors throughout it. Prevent the enemy from getting through and make it easy for your team to get through. Avoid flooding. Remember, the pick is a very powerful tool.

1.      Charge, rush the objective and kill some enemies while doing so.
2.      Defend, prevent your objective from being rushed and kill all that attempt getting passed you.
3.      Make sure there is a Military Supply workshop in a good spot, the more bombs, the better.
4.      Set your research for Kegs, everyone loves explosions!

Charging: A knight can charge his sword for a double slash. This is done by holding down the attack button till the sword shines. Then, a fast double click will make the knight swing his sword two times quickly. This allows a quick and easy kill because if both hits are accurate, they will kill ANY player.

Defend: Keep charging in mind, prevent enemies from getting close to your builders and even further from your doors. Fight and die for the hope that you held the enemy off long enough.

Military Supplies: Make sure your builder's create these workshops. They give basic bombs and arrows. Bombs can be used in both pvp and to do minimal damage to enemy structures. They do not break much more then just one basic stone. However, they do have an area effect on the blocks around its explosion.

1.      Help defend, putting some arrows into targets helps.
2.      Get a crate, hide in it, have someone throw your crate at an enemy.
3.      Research for the explosive and fire arrows.
4.      Shoot arrows to suppress enemy builders.

Defending: Have a builder build a small archer spot or fortify a door to allow archer to go out of it.
Ninja Crate Skills: Have a builder make a crate, press e while in front of it, and select the button to get inside it. Have someone carry it to the enemy base and then sneak your way into the base, try not to be noticed. It is very fun but difficult.

As explained in the builder part, go to the hall and vote to research the explosive and fire arrows.

While fighting from a distance, use your sniper skills to prevent the enemy builders from building. Always remember, using the mouse scroll will zoom out and allow you to see more of the map at once!

King Arthur's Newbie Guide (KAG 1/4)

The First 10 Minute Guide (KAG 2/4)

Game Modes (KAG 3/4)

Team Strategies (KAG 4/4)

King Arthur's Gold Tutorial (In Progress)

King Arthur's Gold Newbie Guide

King Arthur's Gold features 3 main characters. All of these characters make a large difference in the way the game may go as you play it. Each class features big differences needed to make the game continue smoothly for your team, and make it painfully difficult for your opponent. Each class is made up of different components allowing their differences to rely on other classes.

The Builder
This is a good, fun class to play as. A builder is one of the most important classes because they have the difficult task of building well rounded bases, collecting resources sparingly and being as effective with those resources as possible. There is a variety of things a builder can do throughout the duration of the game such as, building towers, mining for stone and gold, building traps and making quick bases. A builder can be the knights best friend if the builder is fast enough to keep up. Also, the amount of teamwork that the knight and builder can have together will be the most effective way to take out an enemy base or tower without having to use kegs and killing everyone in the general area. The best thing for a new player to do is gather resources and building defensive buildings. If it is seen as too difficult to build such things, then it is suggested for a newer player to try doing something else. However, one of the best ways to learn the ways of King Arthur's Gold is by building. Also, remember, the more you build, the more the enemy has to destroy. If your team is good enough, you will have the ability to build a nice structure quickly and sufficiently enough to last the first minutes of the game. The players that do not want to get killed are generally the builders, but some builders are capable of doing much more then building and gathering resources.

The Knight
The Knight has the task of killing and destroying. These are the main players of the game. Generally, in just about all King Arthur's Gold game modes, if there is no knight, there is no victory. It is impossible to win without knights because they are the heart and soul of the game. The knights goal is to kill all of the opposing team, blow up enemy structures and take all of the objectives. They are equipped with sword and shield and have the ability to use bombs and kegs. The shield itself has the ability to kill other players if coming down at a good speed and if you do not want to take fall damage, the shield can be used as a parachute when falling. The knight is a difficult class to play as, seeing as this is the only one that has the largest component of melee typed combat. The best thing for a player that is newer to being a knight is to just watch other knights fight. The more you watch, the more you learn. There is also the knights special ability which allows them to double attack rapidly instead of jabbing. This attack is one of the most effective. However, this attack has a power up, when the sword shines and makes the power-up noise, that is when the sword can use this ability. When playing as the knight, you can picture yourself as a total awesome killer who has good ninja skills, bombs, and can kill anyone and destroy any building with the use of explosives.

The Archer
For those of the players that do not like to build nor do they like the challenge of being a Knight. An Archer is the best class for you. They are generally more tactical and make it hard for enemies to build bases and towers. The Archer can only sometimes be very important because the archer is only useful for so long. Till they are caught in battle or caught by a knight that may want to kill them. However, the archer has some cool special abilities of their own. Each arrow takes 1 heart away from the enemy. Builders have 3 hearts, Knights have 4 hearts, and Archers have 2 hearts. The archer has a power up that when the bow shines, they can fire 3 rapid shots in a row and do tons of damage to the enemy. Personally, I believe that only 1 archer is needed in each game. Aside from all of the archers weaknesses, there is the tactical power of having one. They have 4 arrow types: the bomb arrow, the fire arrow, the water arrow, and the normal arrow. Each arrow has its own significant powers and generally can change the tide of battle. (Except the default arrows, they don't do much) The one arrow a builder does not want to see is the bomb arrow. It works like a tiny keg, it explodes and generally destroys a structure quickly, depending on how thick its walls are. The fire arrow sets players on fire as well as burns down wood buildings and items. The water arrow stuns its target for a small duration of time, allowing the victim as an easy target for more arrows or a friendly knight to wipe them out. Then finally, the normal arrow that only has the power to kill things.

 To learn how to play each character. Check out our "The First 10 Minute Guide"

King Arthur's Newbie Guide (KAG 1/4)

The First 10 Minute Guide (KAG 2/4)

Game Modes (KAG 3/4)

Team Strategies (KAG 4/4)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Phr00t’s 3089: Should I Buy? (Indie Spotlight Edition)

Welcome everyone!
I’m excited to bring to you a new game I think you should check out called 3089.
In this “Should I Buy?” video I will tell you why you NEED to buy 3089, explain some of the game mechanics, give you some history on phr00t, the developer, and try to answer any lingering questions over 3089.

What is 3089?

3089 is a futuristic, action, role-playing game. One of the coolest things about 3089 is that it feels like I’m inside the world of TRON where programs and USERs explore the boundaries of the digital frontier.
In this game, you play an experimental robot that was placed on an open world called Xax by a mysterious Overlord character. This world is supposed to a test center.

Searching and Crafting
What I like about the game is that I can scavenge throughout the world to find computer parts, weapons, and armor. Scavenging will produce broken items that can be sold or crafted. Each item has rarity to it which forces the player to make decisions throughout the entire campaign. I agonize every time I find a very RARE item because I have to decide to sell it or hold onto it in hopes of crafting a super weapon of some type.
The other thing, I enjoy are the quests. There are a ton of complex multi stepped missions given out by command designed to test to your character’s unique characteristics. For robots using stealth most of the missions have to be completed using stealth mechanics. For the run and gunner, you’ll find a series of escort, defend, search and destroy missions.

The combat system in 3089 is more fluid than I expected. I enjoyed battling other robots in close range combat and engaging in a full scale battle against bomber ships trying to wipe me out as I run across the virtual battlefield.

"Exploring the Digital Frontier"
What I find enjoyable about the game is going through this digital RPG journey with the developer. I’m excited to see where he takes me or to find out the why I exist as a character. I realize that this is an indie game in development and that STORY could fall flat but I’m more than willing to go on the ride with this developer.

This brings me to why you consider supporting this game. Playing 3089 is very much like stepping into someone’s deeply personal representation of a futuristic sci-fi adventure. phr00t is very much a big geek going through the process of becoming a polished video game designer.

3089 is the 4th game in the series. This is important because it marks the current evolution of all the knowledge he’s gained from his other projects. Going back to 3059, 3069, and 3079 is interesting, if anything, to retrace his journey as a developer.

If you’re anything like me it matters to you who you choose to support when you pick up an indie game. Nothing pisses me off more than to buy into an alpha just to find out that the developers are total poopy heads.

3089 suffers from a lot of problems but not in the way that most would expect. It is a game that is too ahead of its time in its design and visual representation. This game lives in that gray space where innovation battles obscurity.  Many people will not be able to get past the premise, graphics, or title to give it a try.
This is unfortunate considering that when I see this game I think back to the early days of Minecraft when Notch only have a few thousand players and no one knew about it. 3089 is worth a few hours of your time if anything jus to support an indie developer that needs it.

The real find here is phr00t, the developer. 3089 is missing a narrative hook that can draw in the masses. Right now it is a collection of genre elements working together to provide a very cool sci fi adventure. I can’t wait to see 3099 because phr00t is working towards a game changer someday.

You can find links to 3089’s home page, Facebook, YouTube, twitter, steam community group and Kickstarter page in the description. If you like this content and would like to see more please subscribe to the channel, like, and leave a comment. I’m constantly trying to grow a community not just because I’d like to have more subscribers or get paid more but to use this audience to support good indie game developers like phr00t.

Should I Buy?
To answer the question of whether you should buy 3089? The answer is yes. 3089 is worth buying.

Support this game. Vote for them on the 3089 Steam Greenlight Page.

3089 Webpage:
3089 Kickstarter:
3089 Greenlight Page:
3089 Desura:
3089 Indie Reviews:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

7 Days to Die Alpha 4 Update (Shifting Update Release Schedule: How the Fun Pimps are Messing up)

Greetings Readers!
The Fun Pimps released what their calling "Alpha 4" this last Sunday. The thing you need to know about this update is that it marks a shift in their patch release schedule.

Until Alpha 2, the Fun Pimps were being heavily criticized by their community for not communicating enough and not releasing enough content. Alpha 2 contained a ton of new content, most of which needed to be bug tested.

After calling the subsequent hot fix hot fix "ALPHA 3" the Fun Pimps have decided to release smaller and more frequent updates. Most people who don't follow their forums will grow tired of the constant downloading of 7 Days to Die and be even more confused as their in game "coming soon" splash screen promises large content and new features that will be absent in their smaller future slated releases.

The Fun Pimps are an interesting company in the world of indie games because they were sold to the world as a true indie game company that contrasted the Hammerpoints of the world yet this indie spirit is their biggest downfall.

It isn't easy to run a game company. The Fun Pimps are amateurs mismanaging their project every step of the way. They really need a project manager that can set a project release schedule and implement that plan through a better PR system.

7 Days to Die is a great game. Hopefully, the Fun Pimps aren't also mismanaged the money they've raised so that they can complete it.

Here are the complete release notes for Alpha 4 (hot fix) if you want to know what has changed.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nether the Game Development Suggestions

Game Design Suggestions for DEVs (Fix for KOSing, Safe House Camping, and more)
Action Based XP System

Currently, XP is only gained by killing Nethers. Consider broadening the current XP system to include other actions such as healing other players, defending someone from nethers, defending safe zones, and giving guns away in a trade system. For bad guys, this might mean KOSing in creative ways like setting traps (dropping loot in center of street and sniping). You can add a button that allows them to put down a false drop box from materials in their inventory or XP cost. Perhaps giving XP for winning melee battles over gun battles.

Scaffolded Splash Page Experience

You guys might consider introducing helicopter dropboxes that spawn around the map every day. Perhaps only good guy accounts and noob account (less than 10 hours played) can see these on the map. Putting items in them can increase XP for good guys and provide a better ENTRY EXPERIENCE for new users of the game.

NOTE: I don't think XP should be gained from PVP as there is enough incentive from the LOOT to continue to do it.

Karma System: the Good, the Bad, and the Noob

You already have the foundation for an awesome Karma System. Consider linking the action base XP system to your karma system. Right now it is impossible tell bad guy from good guy so let's use the clothes!

Good Guys VS Bad Guy Identification

Perhaps this unlocks clothing options that only good guys and bad guys get.

For example, since most good guys are trying to stay alive and avoid PVP then let's reward the PVE playstyle by unlocking the best camo type clothes for them and eliminating the bright green backpack.

Since bad guys are looking for trouble let them rock urban rockstar gear that islouder and brighter. Don't make it too loud as it would be too unfair but some loud details would be nice. This matches the PVP lifestyle.

Perhap it also unlocks evil clothes so that there is a clear look to good guys and bad guys.

Safe Zone Campers

Making it easier to identify good guys from bad guys will go a long way easing new players into the game and allow more experienced players the chance to embrace their roles. It would also help with safe zone campers as good guys will be able to work together to combat this horrible practice.

The best thing DEVs can do to deter close proximity safe zone camping is introduce autoturrets or gas dispensers that launch automatically whenever a bad guy remains within a close distance just outside the safe zone for more than 5 minutes (Everyone should be ok in the safe zone). Perhaps a perk of the good guys is their mask actually work and prevents them from taking poison damage. This might allow them to escape through the smoke.

Those are some thoughts. Please add your own. Keep it constructive. Thank you all community.

Nether the Game (What is Nether?)

Personal Note:
I want everyone to understand that I do not hate Nether. I love the game play. Nether is a good game. What I want consumers to be aware of is the current state of Nether. When I first bought the game I had a horrible time trying to install this game. Since then the developers have released several patches that have fixed most of the install and crash issues. The support network is beginning to catch up to the demand. Accept this before buying and you'll have a better experience. The game play and the graphics are amazing.

PVP Overview

Video Content:
In this video, I show several PvP battles from the game, Nether. These battles are used to illustrate a few PvP tactics. Those that are still on the fence can compare this PvP action to War Z (Infestation) and Day Z.

The video provides brief combat tips such as: skill point allocations, stealth, melee vs guns, friendlies, and Nether aggro expectations.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nether the Game: Buy or Not?

I posted this information on my youtube video. It clarifies my position a bit. I was still upset even after I played the game for a long time.

Nether: Scam Controversy Discussed

Video Content:
After my frustrating 6 hour install experience I was finally able to get into the game. I met a survivor. We ended up discussing the scam controversy and shared our opinions over the game. He provided a balanced counterpoint to views.

Personal Note:
I want everyone to understand that I do not hate Nether. I love the game play. Nether is a good game. What I want consumers to be aware of is its current state. I had a horrible time trying to install this game. Right now it crashes every 10 minutes. The support network on the back end is not there to meet the demand and is compounded by the numerous bugs.

I'm concerned that the visuals and game play released alone give folks a false sense of completion and that they expect this game to be close to fully functional. This high level of polish is misleading. This is not the developer's fault. This is just the way it might be perceived by some consumers. It is a beta. Only buy this game if you fully understand why some people are scared that these developers are another Hammerpoint (War Z infamy).

The statements in this video are purely speculative. It is based on my install experience and information provided by other YouTubers who provided documentation in their videos. In the end, only time will tell if what I experienced was a blotched launch by a startup or the mismanagement of another crooked developer. I'm hoping the developer does not censor this content and stand behind my journalistic integrity to report information that I feel is important to my viewers.

After playing Nether, I can see that there was a large amount of thought that has gone into the game mechanics.  I can not envision this company withdrawing support. This is more than just a War Z 2.0. This is a War Z/Infestation killer. It will draw away the crowds from that Infestation unless they release significant new promised content. Nether will be successful in the long run so WAIT until a few months pass before you ruin your first playthrough experience.

Official Nether Website:
Nether Facebook:
Nether Twitter:
Nether Subreddit:

Nether is a post-apocalyptic massively multiplayer online game that veers away from traditional survival horror games. Prepare for an enticing and heart-pounding adventure where only your wits determine if you survive or not. Remember, the route to survival can be both good and evil. Find out who you are in a decimated and lawless new world where both other players and demons are waiting to decide your fate.

The enemies, called "Nethers," are unique and each type possess both demonic and human qualities, making them fast, smart and hard to kill. This also factors in when it comes to working together to defend safe zones or clear out structures. Finally, by setting world objectives, Nether adds another dimension to the survival genre, which further sets it apart from other online games.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Alpha 2.0: 7 Days to Die Update (Release Next Week)

It has been confirmed by the Fun Pimps. Saturday, they sent out the following message to their kickstarter supporters announcing that Alpha 2 will be released some time next week. It will contain new maps, the spitting zombie, walk crawling and two new game modes. Check out the following e-mail for more detailed information:

Project Update #30: Alpha 2 out next week!Posted by The Fun Pimps Entertainment LLC ♥ Like
What’s up Survivalist’
I’ll tell you what’s up. The Pimps have been locked up in their top secret development crib like Quasimodo chained to their desks determined to get Alpha 2 out this coming week. I can’t speak for the other Pimps but I’m developing a hump on my back from working so many hours. Guess we’ll need to invest in those fancy stand up desks soon. Ok enough flapping my gums here’s a little news to chew on for you starving Survivalist’s out there.

  • We have a brand spanking new forum up and running so give a big virtual internet high five to Brian, Ryan and Shane if you seem them for getting it going! 
  • A tip of the Fedora to a couple of new developers we’ve added Robert, Joe and Ben who are already making a big impact on Alpha 2 in programming and animation.
  • We'll do our best to get all you Warriors Backers this build and thank you for being patient.
  • Ok without further ado here are a few Advertised features and some rumored features I heard about on Oprah. I do like Oprah when I get my hair done. Note this is not a full change log or a complete feature list we wouldn’t want to spoil all the surprises we have in store for you. A full change log will be available on release day.
  • Alpha 2 will have:  
  • New Game modes including Deathmatch and Zombie Horde mode with several new maps to support these new modes.
  •  A new menu look with bunch of user game mode customization options, a new server browser for finding games easy and a game scoreboard.
  • New items and weapons including crossbows, pipebombs, repair wrenches and more!  
  • New enemies including the Acid Puking Hulk, wall climbing Spider Zombies, new zombie sounds and more!  
  • New locations in Navezgane including a huge Wasteland City, a new housing development and more!  
  • Improved Network protocol for better performance and larger player counts above 8 and NAT punch through for player ran servers as well as dedicated servers.   
You stay cool
The Fun Pimps

Nether the Game: Consumer Report Warning (Scam?)

Nether: Consumer Report Warning (Scam?)

The purpose of this video is to warn the public to be careful with Nether. This YouTuber encourages everyone to stand back and wait for the developers of Nether to refine the game a bit more before jumping on the bandwagon. I can't believe that the guys who promoted War Z are in charge of promoting this Nether. It really makes me suspicious of this game.

I bought the game and it took me over 6 hours to install it due to bugs, Nether's website not working at times, servers being down, and a long complicated process. Most people will be able to go through this process without much trouble but there are a number of us that will face it. The solutions can be pieced together if you're willing to dig through the forums.

The purpose of this video is to inform consumers of what they should expect after buying Nether from steam. After paying a hefty amount of money most friends i know that have purchased this Nether have come to regret it. There are too many big time youtubers out there that have been given early access to the Nether that are singing it's praises. This is because they have been compensated and are now acting as sellouts. Be aware of this conflict of interest when you turn to these guys before making your decision to buy a new Nether.

Official Nether Website:
Nether Facebook:
Nether Twitter:
Nether Subreddit:

Nether is a post-apocalyptic massively multiplayer online game that veers away from traditional survival horror games. Prepare for an enticing and heart-pounding adventure where only your wits determine if you survive or not. Remember, the route to survival can be both good and evil. Find out who you are in a decimated and lawless new world where both other players and demons are waiting to decide your fate.

The enemies, called "Nethers," are unique and each type possess both demonic and human qualities, making them fast, smart, and hard to kill. This also factors in when it comes to working together to defend safe zones or clear out structures. Finally, by setting world objectives, Nether adds another dimension to the survival genre, which further sets it apart from other online games.

Nether Play Gameplay Official Exclusive MMO massively online multiplayer steam post-apocalypse playnether game PC HD Let's Tips tricks trailer commentary walkthrough playthrough footage BETA demon demons survival horror scary montage creatures creature gun first person shooter fps third person server phosphor games
Address of Nether LLC and OP Producitons LLC
Nether LLC (c/o Harvard Business Services, 16192 Coastal Highway Lewes, DE 19958)
Found at bottom of this page


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Indie Spotlight: Contagion by Monochrome Games

Everyone check out this new game called, "Contagion" by Monochrome Games. Contagion is a Cooperative Zombie Survival Horror FPS game built on a heavily modified version of Valve's Source Engine. Heavily influenced by Zombie Panic Source, and also claiming to be the "Spiritual Successor". Trying out the Roanoke PD map, but the game has various game modes to try out!

Eugene, Marcus, and other Survivors return in the spiritual successor of the popular Half-Life 2 Modification Zombie Panic: Source! 

Contagion is a cooperative survival horror FPS built on the latest Source Engine where players are forced to watch their ammo and aim carefully otherwise be overrun by the zombie hordes. Players will face traditional zombies as well as former teammates who have been turned themselves and where friend becomes foe fueling the carnage to come.

Game Modes

Roanke PD: Escape
Aurora Estates: Hunted
Aurora Estates: Extraction
Cyprus Park: Hunted

You can find more info about the game here:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Outlast: Let's Play (Entire Game with Crazy Reactions)

This is the best horror game I have ever played. This character is an everyday guy trapped in a nut house where all the inmates have taken it over. I am this guy. All you can do is run and hide. This is one of the only games I'd encourage people to watch because it is very cinematic and entertaining to watch someone you know freak out.

The experience is similar to watching someone in a horror movie and screaming at them as they make every cliche stupid mistake in the book. Enjoy! Skip to the last minute of the first video to get a sense of the terror I feel when playing this game.